Flax plant in bloom |
Flax |
Chapter 13
Linen found in Qumran Cave 1 near the Dead Sea |
Jonathan: referring to 13:1-11 God is commanding Jeremiah to perform a series of actions revolving around a loincloth.
Rabbi: A
linen loincloth is a priestly garment. The foot note says that unwashed linen
is of a very rough texture.
Ceil: This
is very intimate imagery.
Joel: They
are being shamed. Jewish morality dictates being humble, demure and clothed. It’s
a horrible sin to expose ones private parts in public.
referring to 13:13-14 “ …and the Kings who sit on the throne of David, and the
priests and the prophets and all the inhabitants of Israel…and I will smash
them one against the other…
All strata
of the nation from the top to the bottom will be taught a lesson. They will be humiliated
and brought down to the same level.
Ellen: This
sounds like God is getting rid of everyone. I recently saw a documentary called
“Fresh” where a farmer killed all his livestock in order to begin with healthy
naturally raised animals. It was easier for him to kill them all than to dither
with which animals had been genetically altered or managed with antibiotics. So
he killed them all.
Julie: This is hubris of the worst kind when someone believes he has the authority to end life. This is because animals are seen as a commodity.
Ian: This makes
me think of a forest fire that cleans the land from which new growth will then
Ellen: It is
the power structure that needs cleansing.
Joel: It’s a
selective fire.
Ethan: God
is quick to punish but he is also forgiving.
Ceil: The
people are brought to the brink and they have the choice to draw back but they
Rabbi: At
this point they do not have a real choice. That possibility has already passed.
Joel: Individuals
will die but the nation will survive.
Ellen: This is
like orthodox theology. If your actions are not acceptable then all will pay.
What’s the point of trying to change? What is the motivation?
Joel: The Medieval Rabbis would then wrestle
with the idea of divine reward in the hereafter. This theology begins with Ezekiel
and Daniel and goes through the book of the Maccabees. It is picked up in
Talmudic discourse. The Rabbis would say that suffering on earth is not
the final punishment.
Conversely, if you do good deeds you will be rewarded. But there is no mention
of that is this book.
Jeremiah is a very moody Prophet. We see the arch of his life. The people
oppress him and he suffers. We see his emotional experiences.
Bill: So,
who will survive in exile?
Isaiah says 10%.
Ellen/Bill: We
discuss this often –Can we ever live up to God’s expectations?
Ian – The bar
is high but it is meant to push us forward.
Ellen: It is
immoral to push others to fit a specific morality, whether it is God’s or the
Jerri: We
all have on our 21st Century goggles and the danger is if we view
this situation not simply as modern western people, but as Monday morning quarterbacks.
You have to keep this in perspective.
Ceil: But, some
things remain true.
Joel: Maimonides
would say all of this is a rationalization because we cannot understand God’s
mind. When we read the text it appears to be as if God is human, but that is
only to understand him better through a human framework.
Ethan: If
God can see the past, present and future why is he always so surprised by what
occurs and what people do?
Rabbi: The bigger picture is that the
Babylonians are coming to wipe out the Judeans, meaning us. How do they
understand the geo-political
situation in
the context of God? How do they rationalize the moral situation as to why
things happen? We are always living in
this tension between our moral actions bringing on Divine retribution and the
issue of suffering if there is no communal or individual belief in God.
Crap just happens!
Ellen: I don’t
think God is just going to destroy only the depraved. I believe he would kill moral
atheists too just because they don’t believe in him. If I don’t believe in God is it OK for God to
kill me? Jeremiah is “quoting “God.
Joel: We can’t
begin to understand God or to try and judge his ways. God kills as part of the
natural order of things. That’s really why murder is forbidden to us and capital
punishment is proscribed.
Jeremiah is not saying that God will punish all people. He is saying that those
people who are part of the Covenant and have not fulfilled it will be punished.
Ellen: Wars
did not occur because we worshipped other gods – they occurred because God
directed us to kill others. God asked us to annihilate the Canaanites.
Joel: I know
this sounds heretical, but the way God reveals himself as described in Genesis
and Exodus to the Prophets changed over time. You can’t judge the Bronze Age
God of Exodus against the moral teachings of Isaiah and Jeremiah. They conceive
of God in related, but frankly more modern terms.
Ceil: God reveals different faces for different
Jerry: Ellen’s
point is valid. We feel bad reading all these stories about killing other
people in the name of God. This is not moral behavior as we know it.
Ellen: It
isn’t moral because God is not always moral.
Rabbi: Yes,
it is hard to read this. But there has
never been an ideal world where all people lived in peace. The ancient world
was harsh and difficult and we had to contextualize why we suffered. Our
survival as a people was dependent upon group cohesion. The Babylonian Exile
was one of the most significant traumas in our history and some of the Prophets
played a significant role in trying to explain it so that the people, as a
nation could come through it intact.
About Linen
The textile linen is made from the Flax plant. The oldest known sample is believed to be 36,000 years old. The mixing of linen with other fibers was considered forbidden in the Torah and is mentioned in Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11. The Jewish historian Josephus suggested that this prohibition was meant to keep the common folk from wearing the official priestly garp. Garmets of mixed fibers were worn by" heathen priests" therefore, Jewish priests possibly used this as a way to seperate themselves from association with idolatry.
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